Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lunch break sweat & Work Out Wednesday {WOW} Linkup!

I am soooo thrilled to be a part of Skinny {Preg} Megs weekly workout link up! She is one of the first blogs I started reading regularly and I love her positive outlook and hilarious spin on things! 

Today I wanted to talk about fitting in quick workouts during your work day. I have some great tips and fast workouts that will get your heart rate going and the calories burning fast!

If you get a ten minute break each day this is a great time to get your body moving!
   -You can go for a quick walk outside and get some fresh air (BONUS: also great for your mind and can help you refocus when you get back to work!)
   -Stretching! This is a great idea especially if you are sitting at a desk all day! I love to stretch on my breaks at work because I am usually so tight from a workout the night before. It also saves me time from having to do it later.
   -Quick circuit workout. Everyday a few people from my work and I gather in an office and bust out some fast body weight exercises. Its quick, effective and you don't sweat much! I bring a 10 pound weight and keep it at my desk for optional extra resistance. This is just one of the workouts we do!

Sometimes I also do lunch break workouts which give me a little more time to complete a full workout. I usually start my workout by running a half mile to the parking structure near my work... well lets be honest I walk until I am sure that no one from my work can see me and then I run :)  I run to the top of the structure (BONUS STAIRS!) where there are no cars. 

I start by running 1 lap around the border of the entire parking structure which is about a quarter of a mile. Then I start my 3 rounds of body weight exercises and after each round I do another lap of the parking structure border. So I do a total of 4 laps around the structure which is a full mile by the time I am done. Then I run the half of a mile back to work and I am done! I always am changing up what I do for my exercises but this is one workout in my rotation. 

So in total I end up running 2 miles and getting in a killer 20 minute calorie burning workout! This is me doing a wall sit in my parking structure of choice :) 

The key to making this all happen is to be prepared!! Here are a few key things not to forget:
  1- Make sure you pack a quick lunch so that you have time after your workout to eat.
  2- Deodorant! This is a must if you sit with other people. Don't forget this!
  3 -Dry Shampoo. This is a life saver after I workout and need to look presentable. I love this brand Suave Dry Shampoo
  4- Pack your clothes the night before. This helps prevent early morning mental moments :)
  5  Be excited to fit in a great workout in less time!

What are some of your lunch break quick workout tips??

Be sure to check out the rest of the gang participating in the link up today! Work Out Wednesday {WOW}



  1. I am just trying to incorporate lunch workouts as I work 9 hour days plus traffic I'm exhausted by the time I get home! There is a park close by with running trails so I try to do a 2-2.5 mile run/walk workout. Being in Texas it gets SO hot so I have to take it easy by the time lunch hour comes around. Thanks for sharing this helps me to get some ideas to try and put into my new routine!

  2. Ugh the heat! I am having the same heat problem here in California right now! I wish I had running trails near my work! I have to weave in between busy office buildings and in empty parking structures. LOL Good luck and keep at it until the weather changes! Once it cools down it will seem that much easier to you and you will be rockin! :)


  3. Great post! I find myself trying to prepare a work outfit that is easy to change into and out of on days I work out over lunch. Sometimes I wear my workout pants/capris under a maxi dress, so I can just take the skirt off and change tops. I even found a VS sports bra that doesn't give me uniboob, lol. I wear it to work sometimes and then change into a regular bra after my workout. Every little bit helps!

  4. I did this workout this morning and only burned 200 calories in 30 minutes of it- so how are you getting to the 682? is there something else you are adding in?

    1. Hi Suesan!
      I think that is so awesome that you tried that workout! That count I show was from also doing all of the runs described in the paragraph above... Did you include that? I think 200 is awesome for doing the moves as outlined! If you add the running in it will depend on your intensity and the distance you are running as to how many more calories it will add. This parking lot I run is about a quarter of a mile. Let me know if you have any more questions and thank you for reading!!

  5. Heap of thanks for sharing this, Katie! This workout routine is truly effective, especially for a lot of people who have a handful of tasks daily. Finding the time to squeeze in a short work out routine is essential to keep your physical health in great condition.

    Carmelia Paradise @ NW Cross Fit
